me welcome message | email | site guestbook | site faq | diva-approved | myspace HELPFUL HINT: Read this last, if at all. I really don't know what to put here, other than a link to email me. Let me get back to you on this one... August 9, 2003 Update - a picture of me |
I believe I've mentioned elsewhere on the site that I'm an extrovert. I have it on good authority that I've always been an extrovert... and a bit on the excitable side, too. In my opinion, this is the best picture ever taken of me (not counting, of course, the many nudes from that same era). When I have a good recent photo to share, I will. [UPDATE: I have. It is invisi-linked on this page. That's all I'm gonna say.] |
September 19, 2003 Update - another picture of me (i'm the blonde) August 18, 2003 Update - more useless information about me FULL NAME: Tammy Sue Talpas (What were my parents thinking?) PUBLIC PERSONA: The Diva BIRTHDAY: January 18, 1906 (All women lie about their age, I just go the other way.) BIRTHPLACE: Stuttgart (translation: Stud Farm), Germany HOMETOWN: I don't have one of those, but Austin, Texas comes the closest. INSTRUMENTS: None, and I can't sing, either... but I do love to dance. HEIGHT: 5'5" WEIGHT: I don't weigh myself anymore. Who needs that kind of aggravation? HAIR COLOR: Red EYE COLOR: Green TATTOOS: Noneā¦ Right? CATCH PHRASE: "Excuse me, you are treading on my ballgown." TAGLINE: "The Diva has spoken. Sit down and shut up." THEME SONG: "Fire Woman" - The Cult 20+ QUESTIONS adapted from planetout's qsat Who's your favorite Village Person? Charlie's Angel? Brady kid? Talk show host? Leather Daddy, Sabrina Duncan (Kate Jackson), Jan Brady, Jon Stewart. What is your porn star name? (first name = childhood pet's name; last name = childhood street) Snoopy Elbert. Fill in the blank: I am the _____ of my generation. Aspasia. Fill in the blank: I always have ____ in my refrigerator. Fresca. What does it take to get you going in the morning? A couple of hours, or a fire. Fill in the blank: If I were a toy, I would be ____. Loads of fun to play with.
Elvis Presley. They don't call him 'The King' for nothing. What pushes your buttons/makes you angry? Conservatives and their vast array of bullshit. Fill in the blank: The last movie I cried/laughed out loud at was: Cried: "Red" Laughed: "Iron Man" What's your biggest guilty pleasure? Smoking. What was your first car? A thrice-totaled, hand-me-down 1971 Chevy Malibu Super Sport with a cowl induction hood, racing stripes, a white vinyl top, a 350 engine and a gazillion miles on the odometer... may she rest in peace. If you could just slap the living shit out of one person, and not be retaliated against for it, who would it be? Antonin Scalia, retaliation or no retaliation. Would you appear nude in a movie? Only if I was going to die soon, and only if it was for a very good cause. On second thought, no. What is your favorite/least favorite feature of your body? Fave: hair Least Fave: NOYB Fill in the blank: In high school, I was ____. The Brain. What is your proudest accomplishment? Getting a life. What is the dumbest thing you've ever done? Doubt my intuition. If you could have one Super Hero power, which would you choose? Wonder Woman's ability to lasso people and make them tell the truth. Her bracelets were pretty hot, too. What was the best year for music in your lifetime, and why? 1987, hands-down. Why? Guns 'n Roses- Appetite for Destruction and the Live Like A @#!! Suicide EP The Cult - Electric Whitesnake - Whitesnake Motley Crue - Girls, Girls, Girls Def Leppard - Hysteria Ratt - Dancing Undercover Cinderella - Night Songs Metallica - Master of Puppets Joe Satriani - Surfing with the Alien Bon Jovi - Slippery When Wet U2 - The Joshua Tree Faster Pussycat - Faster Pussycat L.A. Guns - L.A. Guns Heart - Bad Animals ... and Aerosmith's comeback album Permanent Vacation... for starters. Andy Warhol said, "In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." When were yours? When I was on Jeopardy. To date, what has been your best celebrity encounter/brush with greatness? Meeting Joe Perry. (I only said two words.) Steven Tyler runs a very close second. (I spent a lot more quality time with him, but I also said a lot more than two words. YIKES!) Describe yourself in five words or less. A wolf in wolf's clothing. If you could witness any historical event of the past, which would you choose? The Big Bang. |