Title: Released: Label: The Players: Special Guests: Produced By: Recorded At: Additional Recording: |
Treat Me Right February 23, 1999 Eric Sardinas (guitar, vocals) Paul Loranger (electric and acoustic bass) Scott Palacios (drums and percussion) Johnny Winter* guitar, vocals Hubert Sumlin** guitar Dick Shurman & Eric Sardinas StudioChicago - Chicago, IL Studio 900 - New York City |
album reviews Electric Blues - Eric Sardinas "Treat Me Right" by Herm Some Things Borrowed, Some Things New by Jim Trageser Blues Bytes - April 1999 What's New by Bob Cianci True Blue from Ellis Kell "Hellhounds (Might Be) on His Trail..." by Ellis Kell Blues on Stage - Eric Sardinas "Treat Me Right" by Dick Houff Sound Waves Magazine - Eric Sardinas "Treat Me Right" by Don Sikorski Mr. Blues Train Review of Eric Sardinas "Treat Me Right" - Reviewer Unknown |