Title: Released: Label: The Players: Special Guests: Produced By: Recorded At: Additional Recording: |
Devil's Train August 28, 2001 Eric Sardinas (guitar, vocals) Paul Loranger (electric and acoustic bass) Scott Palacios (drums and percussion) David Honeyboy Edwards* guitar, vocals Eric Sardinas & Neil Citron *Co-Produced by Alias & D.H. Edwards The Mothership - Los Angeles, CA *Hotel Room |
album reviews Eric Sardinas "Devil's Train" by Don "t-bone" Erickson Blues on Stage - Eric Sardinas "Devil's Train" by Dave "Doc" Piltz Blues on Stage - Eric Sardinas "Devil's Train" by Dick Houff REVIEW: Eric Sardinas takes 3-chord blues into "Devil's Train" by U-Wire Delta Snake CD Review: "DEVIL'S TRAIN" by Joe Hirvela Blues Association of South East Queensland - CD 101 by John Bates Mr. Blues Train Review of Eric Sardinas "Devil's Train" - Reviewer Unknown |